ファン小説「コール・イグニス」 -ユン&マミーナのアルクス・ニゲル航空戦史-
Fan novel "Choir IGNIS" the Alks Niger aviation of - Yun & MAMIINA --air- Combat history -

小説を投稿していただいた、 http://sakura03.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/eroparo/1145300547/393-404/ のレス主に敬意を彰して。
I had the novel contributed -- http://sakura03.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/eroparo/1145300547/393-404/Les -- mainly -- respect -- .

「あなたがマミーナか? 今日からオレがパルだ」
"Are you MAMIINA? Today to I 'm your PAL."

The girl with beautiful blond hair stood before MAMIINA so.

"-- Me ... it knows how it is called -- ?"

「聞いている。 あなたは有名だ。” サジッタ殺し ”、だったか」
"It is heard. You are famous. Are they "Sajitta killer " ?"

"It is ? to still become my PAL."

"Although I will construct with whom and a PAL, there is no change in a disagreeable thing. I dislike war."

妙なシヴュラだ、とマミーナは思った。 言葉遣いと容姿がそぐわない上に誰もが嫌がるマミーナとのパルも厭わないという。
MAMIINA thought that it was strange Sibylla. It is said that the PAL of wording and MAMIINA which everyone dislikes to the top where the appearance is not suitable is not minded, either.

"-- MAMIINA . It is " well.

"I'm Yunn."

戦争が嫌い、と公言するユンは優秀なサジッタだった。マミーナの独特の戦術にもすぐに対応 してみせた。
Yun whom war declares with it being disagreeable was excellent SAGITTA. It corresponds also to the peculiar tactics of MAMIINA immediately. It showed by carrying out.
The tactics which MAMIINA invented are having "grass cutting" and backbiting struck in call IGNIS.

A lot of flight machines were thrown in, it carried into the dogfight, and Simiralcrum was taking out many sacrifices for Ri- Maajion of Simoun before the new tactics of scatter Argentum fighter& bommer.
各コールは礁国の新戦術への対応に苦慮し、ようやく 編み出したのが、小規模なリ・マージョンという戦法だった。
Each choir -- the correspondence to the new tactics of Argentum -- anxious -- at last -- What were invented was tactics called small-scale Ri-Maajion.
Rarge Scale Ri-Maajion of destructive power requires time for offering a prayer.

Although the number of the enemies who can destroy small-scale Ri-Maajion at once was restricted, it was the steady way of fighting which employed the predominancy as a flight machine of Simoun efficiently.

but, it is concluded that Sibyllae and others corresponded to amount-of-resources tactics -- the Argentum side has developed the further new tactics.
They are the skillful tactics of making spare time intentionally, seizing on the psychology of Sibyllae and others who becomes irritated with a repetition of small Ri-Maajion, and inviting large-scaleRi-maajion.
戦(いくさ)に疎(うと)いシヴュラたちは礁国の飛行機械に翻弄され、 損害を増やしていた。
The sybillae who has no skill to the air-combat has trifled with Argentum flighter --and Shimoun or Simile -simoun damage was increased.
It seemed that Simulacrum tactics had always preceded the enemy one-step.

Sibyllae had the thin concern of the battle themself.

The enthusiasm which believes protection of Godess and is applied to survival for predominance さ of the performance of Simoun is thin.
It seemed that it was thought that what is necessary is just to shunt taking advantage of the power performance of Simoun if danger is faced.
A policy completely concrete only by being bewildered by the inviolability of Simoun which is t "wings of the Godess" , and the disagreement with reality does not emerge.

When the altitude to which the performance of the flight machine of Argenmtum falls at most, or an enemy is a small number, it will say, if full use of small-scaleRi-Maajion
is made.
It tended to be made conservative correspondence from beginning to end.

It seemed that there was no positive way of thinking of producing the spare time for drawing large-scale Ri-Maajion oneself in the midst of a dogfight, or elaborating on fine tactics.

It was the dogfight which MAMIINA considered. But the shooting game on a level with the flight machine of Argentum is not necessarily carried out.
It was saying that the role of the lure which attracts an enemy back, carrying out the way involved in a dogfight, and attracts an enemy will be achieved itself.
Speed is reduced, an enemy's steam-generated front is avoided, high movement is always continued, and it is Disturbance.
多くの敵を背後に率いながら極小規模のリ・マージョン――「鮫」や「隼」を極限まで小さく描いたもの―― で数機ずつを撃墜し、
while many enemies are commanded back -- very small-scale Ri-Majion -- what drew the "shark" and the "peregrine falcon" small to the limit -- every several sets -- shooting down
Large number of people aim at a MAMINA machine, and turn it. And the spare time which draws large-scale Li MAJON on the other opportunities of the call which became sweet "A marking" is made.

それがマミーナの 『芝刈り』 だった。
That tactics is MAMIINA 's plan "Grass cutting" it was .

But, this decoy-lure part was accompanied by danger.

If it comes out on fire-line of an enemy flight machine group, it will be shot down although it is called Simoun.
Although Herical-Mortis itself does not use fuel, since Main Mortier-Accessories are driven, a small combustion organization uses the high fuel of ignition nature.
There is no protection equipment of a crew member etc. in Simoun which sent out fire immediately when carrying out the cartridge-ed to the fuel tank, and was primarily made for the ceremony to the Godess.
If shooting is received, Sibyllae and others will get damaged easily.

It was easy to shake off an enemy plane, when carrying out from the performance of SHIMUN, but if way OFF keeps, there is no meaning of decoy--part.
The last-minute position which is not put to an enemy's fire-line is aimed at, and it continues running from place to place for a long time.

A cartridge-ed cannot be managed with zero, either, if such tactics are taken against the enemy of an overwhelming majority.
MAMINA made one SAGITTA die after call IGNIS assignment, and had inflicted the serious injury on one more person.
The another name of "SAGITTA- killer" 、 is close to the fact infinite.

Yoon who sits on the SAJITTA seat of such MAMIINA indifferently was a kind existence.
And Yunn understood immediately the role of the lure which is going to take MAMIINA, and showed the superiority of having read a motion of an enemy and directing an exact course.

"Does it do?"

Way home from the first battle constructed with Yoon and MAMIINA admired Yoon.

"An enemy's trial of yours is in logic. An ally cannot be made to die more than this. It is a role suitable for me."

"So. But it is " also in how that REGINA seldom understands that I am doing.
It is MAMINA many times from before.

"Catch spare time and draw powerful Ri-Maajion."
Although advised, REGINA of call IGNIS tended to try relief of MAMIINA of decoy lure-part, and had repeated り which missed best timing for fear that a MAMIINA machine is involved in Ri-Maajion.

マミーナの 行動をコールが、レギーナが理解してくれていれば、強力な「銀」や「錫」のリ・マージョンで敵を減らすことができるし、さらなる連携が期待できれば囮役のマミーナ機もリ・マージョンに参加して「鉄」や「海嘯」の一撃で敵を一掃することも不可能ではないはずなのだ。
MAMIINA It cannot be impossible to be able to reduce an enemy by Ri-Maajion of powerful "silver" and "tin", if REGINA understands [ the choir ] action, for the MAMIINA machine of decoy-part to also participate inRi-Maajion, if the further cooperation is expectable, and to sweep away an enemy with one blow of "iron" and "Ri Maajon of tsunami" (海嘯  kai-shou) or "Ri Maajon of billows" (波濤  hatou) "

"海嘯", either.

Thee flight machine of "Argentum is improving the performance every year -- it meets. The number of them is that how to be wonder and fight should also become still more skillful if a performance difference will be shortened from now on."

Sibyllae of Simulacrum is trueborn. The skill of Sibyllae who rides on Simoun is managed that it is high and formation combat flight which having connected wire does not have difficulty, either.
貴族や聖職者の家系からの出身者がほとんどを占めるとはいえ、『翼の中の翼』 なのだ。
Although the graduate person from the family line of an aristocrat or a clergywoman occupies most -- "wings in wings" it is .
正規のシムーン・シヴュラとして残れる練習生は一握りで、熾烈な競争を経ている。 技量の劣る者などいようはずもない。
The trainee who can remain as regular Simoun Sibylla is a handful, and has passed through a violent competition. How which those in whom skill is inferior require does not have , either.

But, it competes for how the skill of Simoun Sibyllae and others draws the locus on empty beautifully.
If exact operation technology which lets the hole of a needle pass does not know the way which exchanges shooting, either, even if it has it, it does not know reading an intention of an enemy, either.
Even if it can manage a formation flight perfectly, it does not have tactics.

"The imitation cartridge exercise using Smile-Simoun is required."

シミレ・シムーンは性能が低く、飛行特性も礁国の飛行機械に似ていると言われる。 そのシミレを相手に有効な戦術を研究することは、
It is said that Smile-Simoun has a low performance and the flight characteristic also resembles the flight machine of the Argentum. The effective tactics against the Smile-Simoun are studied,
Probably, a Argentum partner's battle is also meaningful.

"imitation? (an imitation cartridge)

"paint was stuffed -- a bullet . Live cartridge practice could not be carried out by shrine maidens.
ARE which threw the fruit of the tree of dyeing powder as a child, and existed and played. If it separates to Sibyllae and Simoun and the same thing is done, the skillful way of fighting should be able to be held."

"It is an impossible proposition but. Original self is shrine maidens. The practice of suiting killed to the trainees who serve a shrine cannot be made to help."

Yun answers on the empty which returns to "Alks-Niger".

-- Is also tyou are shrine maiden too? -------

Yun offers the language of a prayer to the dead without friend-and-foe relation also on frequent visiting and a battlefield also in a shrine.
Ri-Maajion which prays for the bliss of the dead among enemies also by battle just now was required. It is the existence which should be said also by Sibylla in whole Sibyllae.
But rumor that such an attitude which does not ask friend and foe became the panel of having incurred the displeasure of the upper levels and enacting the PAL of MAMIINA was also able to be heard.

"Bulletproof is required."


"Several shots or shooting was received today also. It is cracked to canopy."

Yun has responded with whether it is this in the voice which seems to be thin as for concern.

"Naturally decoy-part is dangerous. I am sitting down here, understanding. It does not get sick on a its mind."

「冗談じゃないわ。またパルを死なせたりしたらシヴュラ・アウレアのパルになれなくなってしまう。 これ以上の汚名はごめんよ」
"It is not a joke. If a PAL is made to die, it will stop moreover, getting used to the PAL of SIBYLLA - AUREA. the dishonor beyond this -- pardon -- "

"It was heard that Sibylla Aurea also lost the PAL."

MAMIINA bows its head in assent, distributing a look to the circumference. The clouds which hang thinly had melted into the blue sky in Haruka or the sky.
シムーンに上空から急襲をかけられる飛行機械は存在しない。 後方から接近することも不可能だ。
The flight machine which can apply a surprise attack to Simoun from the sky does not exist. Approaching from back is also impossible.
A look is poured out centering on nature and the front. pilot ofArgentum applies ambush using geographical feature in many cases.

"-- it is . a right-or-wrong PAL -- although insist -- "

"You desire a PAL of Sibylla Aurea why."

Accepting a shadow in the direction of temporary, MAMIINA asks Yunn for a check.
Obtaining the answer that it was Alks-Niger, MAMIINA sent the hand sign to the Flight5-leader(=Regina) Simoun.

It had just been going to take the check also at the captain (Regina) machine. Directions of course change came out immediately.
A formation flight is remade in a horizontal sequence, and the organization of arrival on the deck of a ship is taken.

「シヴュラ・アウレアのパルとして働きを得れば庭師の娘であっても誰にも後ろ指は指されない。 神官への道も武官への道も開ける。
"If work is obtained as a PAL of Sibylla Aurea, even if it will be a gardener's daughter, it is pointed out to finger of scorn by nobody. The way to a military officer also opens the way to a Shinto priest.
Conversely, if it does not continue mentioning the distinguished services of only that, I cannot be in Sibylla."
MAMIINA -- since [ selective examination / of Sibylla ] -- something and the Administration of politics yuan (司政院)-- secondary -- I have had the chief priest apply an eye
 シヴュラ 叙任前に戦果を挙げた経験を買われ、彼の後ろ盾を得ることでようやくコール・イグニスに席を得たのだ。
Sibylla Experience which mentioned success in battle before appointment was bought, and the seat was obtained to call IGNIS at last by obtaining his backing.
Since MAMIINA was added, call IGNIS mentions the stable success in battle.

大打撃を受けるコールが続発する中で、コール・イグニスは戦死者を一名に抑えてアルクスニゲル最優秀コールの名を 不動の物にしていた。最強と名高いコール・テンペストでさえ五名の欠員を出している現状で、コール・イグニスの戦果と損失は中央からも注目されていた。
While the choir which receive a great blow happen in succession, call IGNIS obstructs a person killed in war to one person, and is the name of an Alks-Niger maximum excellent call. It was made the immovable thing. In the present condition that even the strongest and the famous call Tempest have sent five vacancies, the success in battle of call IGNIS and loss attracted attention also from the center.

"People are going to fly in the sky by various reasons."

"-- such you are how -- Yunn"

"If I go to a spring now [ wartime ], other someone have to stand on a battlefield by Simoun."

"The Choir which required you before when saying so ...."

There is no expression in the voice of Yun who returned short with having destroyed completely. It is said that it has been alone transferred to another post to IGNIS,

It will be saying that the PAL was also lost aside from the life and death. As for a PAL, it is maintained in many cases also at the time of a change.

"It is the guidance light of Alks-Niger. That seems to be right. seemingly this supper is the fly of an onion -- your favorite"

MAMIINA strikes a joke in order to wipe away the air which became heavy.

"It knows. I am the schedule of a fast line (だんじきこう) exactly today."

"Has not the talk heard that Temps-Spatium asked for the fast?"

Yun complains about a smell and does not attend even a dining-room on the day of an onion dish. Therefore, MAMIINA is carrying only bread and wine to the room on the day when an onion rides on a menu for Yun. It is secret also at a care staff's trainees, and.

MAMIINA machine first touch-down to a mother ship career by. It was more perfect landing than whom of a Choir at Alks -Niger.
The breakage situation of the body is checked together with a maintenance woman, and directions of repair are issued.
A MAMIINA machine is the frequenter of Seibijou. Because of a position called a lure.

" Sibylla MAMIINA you destroy air-frame agein?"

In addition to the maintenance man of charge, maintenance length shows up.

"Is it bad? Trouble a hand."

"Say. If people of Sibyllae are return safely, it will not have exceeded to it."

It is "arrangements of a bulletproof board are ? at it."

"It is likely to obtain. It is the thing which carried out from the spoils tank of Plumbum."


"yes. It is whether to stop somehow, if it is the machine gun of the class which the flight machine of the Argentum is stacking although the cartridge of the diameter of a large quantity is impossible. You have to bear a concentrated fire.
I consider."

"Then, enough. It is good if not dropped on a stray shot. It is about arrangements. It is receive" as it is not found in DUX and other Sibyllae.

「それはまあ、そうでしょうな。正直を言えば私も神の乗機たるシムーンに無粋な装甲など付けるのは気が進みません。 が、毎回
"Probably, it will be so well. As for my attaching tasteless armoring etc. to slack Simoun, wings of the Godess,I will not be willing if honesty is said. each time
このありさまでは命運が尽きるのも時間の問題です。なんとかしますよ。 ―それにしても何故シヴュラ・マミーナの機体だけが毎回?ー」
In this state, it is the problem of time that fate is also exhausted. It carries out somehow. - Even so, only the body of Sibylla MAMIINA is each time ?-" why.

MAMINIA ishake he shoulder as she has poo skill.
I did not want the rumor that it could not fight if call IGNIS does not use decoy lure-part etc. to flow.

レギーナは頭が硬かったし、コールの僚友はマミーナを「庭師」、「芝刈り」 などと蔑んでいたが、出身を知って、口さえ聞こうとしない
the head of REGINA was hard -- carrying out -- the comrade of a call -- MAMINA -- a "gardener" and "grass cutting" etc. -- although looked down, a graduate does not tend to be known and it is not going to hear even a mouth
When compared with Sibyllae and others of other choir, it was several times better.

MAMIINA knew getting used even to the tactics of the "grass cutting" recently, and having tried the chance to it, if it is met in raw.
コール・イグニスは身分と伝統に塗り固められたシムーン・シヴュラ たちの世界で唯一のマミーナの居場所なのだ。
Call IGNIS is Simoun Sybylae which applied to a status and tradition and was hardened. It is room of only MAMIINA in the world to leave.

"The person with two wings is happiness. They are thou and your name Sibylla"

Yun who was hearing the conversation of MAMIINA and maintenance length in the place distant several steps murmurs so, and followed away.

"Meaning [ what kind of ] ?"

MAMIINA looks up at maintenance length so.

"Even if asked to me"

Sibyla in the town and the maintenance length of a sesame salt mustache look at each other, and twist a head.
Although Yun that it was a hiighly priestess family-line graduate often used maxim niece たwords as the mouth, he was not able to draw up a meaning mostly.

The sortie of the next day was a patrol duty at night.

"Is there any partner who promised MAMiINA and the future mutually?"

"What. It is " suddenly.

"I only thought that you would be in the reason for adhering to Sibylla.

It was turning around Helical-Mortris smoothly. The moon does not rise yet tonight. Clouds are sparse and surface of the earth is slightly compared with starlight.
Although it will become bright if the moon comes out, it will be dazzled if the moon enters in a field of view, and is hard to see conversely.
「! マミーナ、十時の方向。雲の中で何かが動いた」
"! MAMIINA, the direction of 10:00o7clock . Something moved in clouds."

MAMIINA elaborates an eye. Although nothing was seen by the motion, Yun utters what cannot have firm belief.
It turns out that it is not character.

"Watch is urged."

Wings are shaken and attention of a REGINA machine is attracted. Clouds were shown, the hand sign of "Canacage NO possibility Ali" was sent, and when 20 was counted, directions came.

「 『低空から先行し、敵を発見次第攻撃せよ』 だそうよ」
""attack [ immediately after preceding from a low altitude and discovering an enemy ]" It will take out."

"Is REGINA and others decoy-lure part today?"

If MAMINA sends the sign of comprehension, call IGNIS will begin to lower softly and an altitude.
機影が山陰を 横切るタイミングでマミーナ機だけが編隊を解いて低空へと紛れるのだ。
The sight of an airplane is San-in. Only a MAMIINA machine solves a formation to the timing to cross, and it is lost in a low altitude.
月のない夜に地表すれすれで 谷間を縫えば発見されにくい。
night without the moon -- surface of the earth -- close by a shave -- It will be hard to be discovered if a valley is sewn.
It bore and came out of the MAMIINA machine to the low altitude by the single opportunity.

Once ancient Simoun is present Simoun although it says that it was able to soar to the end of the lost empty.
A limit will come to a crew member only by flying a cloud top. If an altitude is raised too much, consciousness will be lost and metaphor consciousness will not be lost.
Even so, it may be troubled by paralysis of hand and foot and hardness of hearing after returning to surface of the earth.

It is said that the cockpit for flying altitude cannot be made. The maximum speed of Simoun was similarly restrained by the limit of the intensity of a cockpit.

The sign of kicking a sheet is felt "Thud" and back. The inside of SHIMUN in the maximum speed is creaking of Wind noise and structure material, and cannot do honest conversation.

Feeling as if Herical-Mortris under operation also crushed the body from the inner side with the large output is brought about.
Although it talked so that most PALs might strain themselves and it might shout at each other by Speaking tube , Yun had taken the smart method.

The partition of a front seat and a backseat is kicked at and a sign is sent. Since an AURIGA seat can be looked down on from a SAGITTA seat,
From an AURIGA side, an answer is possible with a hand sign.

He is an enemy to upper right sky.

Yun's sign was told so. Seemingly, the enemy was found in the direction different from aiming now.

At --, it is the front.

The group of the flight machine of Argentum already compared with the interval of clouds, they has grasped. There is also a figure of an airship type air mother ship.

-- Being divided into two hands is.

Since the low altitude was flown very much with might and main, to MAMIINA, a right-hand side enemy was not able to be Visual checked exactly.
If it looks away for a moment also, it may crash into the ground.

"It is begun to roast a front enemy over Ri-Maajion, and, subsequently to a right enemy, goes."


MAMIINA decided change of strategy immediately.

It is priority for there to be no scatter of a front enemy and to tell the position of the enemy of the front and a right-hand side side to a formation Comrade Simoun

Also although it is called the wings of Godess, if suddenness is struck, there will be no change in a disadvantageous thing.
Simoun is made to start dancing high up in the sky at a stretch. REGINA and others is behind surprised at different action from strategy.
They will be things.

"Critical speed flight"


MAMIINA pushes in a throttle, feeling the sign from Yun for the back. The possible top speed of cruising is differed from,
Only a short time can perform a critical speed flight very much. When carrying out carelessly, there was also danger of disintegration in mid-air.
すでに 操縦席左側の外板には奇妙な皺が刻まれ始めている。
Already Strange wrinkles are beginning to be minced by the shell on the left-hand side of a cockpit.

-- Is Speed Acceleration beyond this unreasonableness?

In a SAGITTA seat, Yun must have remained and time must have been counted.

The rough sign which kicks "stud ! "and the back comes.

"Ri-Maajion of the peregrine falcon"

The purpose is not an attack, although a front enemy has distance and the effect range of Ri- Maajion was not reached.
It was important not to make an enemy decide the timing of a hostilities start.
マミーナ機がリ・マージョンを発動 させれば正面の敵は否応なく攻勢に出てくるだろう。
A MAMIINA machine exercises RI Maajion. If it carries out, a front enemy will come out to an offensive compulsorily.
MAMIINA begins to draw a wake behind a sailing ship in response to the signal of YUN.
It is Ri Maajion for illuminating a night sky and paying clouds. It is not small RI Maajion of usual "grass-cutting" formula.

"-- it is the next -- MAMIINA"

「わかってる! 目標視認!」
"It understands! Target Visual check! "

Since speed was reduced to RI Maajion, the usual conversation is attained.
What was being developed to the right-hand side side of call IGNIS was the voluminousness party which doubles two at the front enemy. The air mother ship of 4air-ships
It was the midst which is just emitting the flight machine.

It accelerates to marginal flight speed again. The structure material which stress would produce on the body in the flight like the point
A disagreeable sound was made and vibration was begun.

The voice of Yun considered whether for there to be nothing, such as being flurried, raises a shrill voice. It is also MAMIINA that it is the thought which treads on thin ice.
It is the same. Wings said for destruction to start first of all -- It is projected beside Simoun and Mortier-Accessories are stored.
いるだけのスペースで鳥の翼のように機体を浮かせるためのものではない――を横目で睨む。スロットルは まだ戻さない。
It glares at -- for floating the body like the wings of a bird only in the space which is which it is not by the side glance. Throttle it does not return yet.

It seemed that the second flight machine group was not contained in the offensive yet. If it is now, many can be buried the whole mother ship.

" The second enemy. " which aims at a mother Air-ship

"comprehension. It is " at TSUNAMI RI-Maajion!.

By Ri-Majion of the peregrine falcon performed to the first enemy, the enemies who lurked behind the coulds started dancing all at once, and were doing.
All opportunities are going to call IGUNISU. Seemingly, he plans to leave a MAMIINA machine to another unit.
Probably, it was estimated that it could not catch up however it may give SHIMUN.

one call IGUNISU book party has noticed at last the thing of the course of MAMINA which another way unit is previously -- as
だった. It is going to appear from the style of 応撃 to the first wave pouring in in the positive plan in order to bring meeting-enemy forward.
Although it is judgment of REGINA which is not bad, seemingly, there are also those who grasp a situation and are not competent in a formation machine. Deployment is blunt.

-- It is unsavory. Also here that.

Vibration of a MAMIINA machine was increasing violence further. The flight mother ship which is a target emits most loading machines.
It seemed to have finished. If a mother ship is lost, by itself, the flight machine of Argentum cannot return. but -- probably -- them
It is sortieing without considering the thing of way home etc.

"MAMIINA, marginal "


Although the output was extracted reluctantly, in spite of having slowed down to the cruising speed already beyond a strong limit
風切音 was amusing and the reaction of a control lever was also amusing. Distortion has arisen on the frame supporting a canopy.
The flow of air is induced in の and a cockpit.

"If it returns, is it a scolding at maintenance length?"

"A leisurely thing. From now on, I and others have to pray against that voluminousness party."

Ahead the group of the flight machine which is already separated from a mother ship compares, and it is nieceed.

"It goes into clouds. A target is a mother ship at the very back. It is guidance abest regardsl right !" right above.


Yun had the outstanding space grasp ability. It is Li - if the bad weather by which a field of view is interrupted also follows Yun's guidance.
MAJON is exercised perfectly. The inside of clouds may call it Yoon's special province.

"Ri-Maajion is begun before coming out of clouds."

".... it jumps out to near so much -- boil -- ?"

"It is impending. OK. MAMIiNA which can be done if it is you"

If it jumps in into clouds -- the circumference -- gray -- it is smeared away by charcoal gray and is in darkness rather than it calls it --.
Always it turning out that it is flying at last by wind noise and vibration. they areis flying the space of zero-visibilty at full speed.

It just prayed that the flight machine of Argentum had not jumped in into this cloud.
SHIMUN has only the equipment for which instrumental navigation is possible.

That Sibyllae are also imagined from an executive called a shrine maiden is the academic elite who was widely different.
Of course, that high academic ability is called for also in mathematics or physics makes full use of compass or a slide rule by on a plane, and theology is the position of a self-opportunity.
It is [ that it must deduce / realistic ] reasonable. Sibylla and others is also an excellent engineer.

だが、いくら計器飛行が可能でも、戦場で雲の中を飛び有視界で軌道を補正することもないままリ・ マージョンを開始するというのは、
But, it is flying the inside of clouds on the battlefield and not rectifying an orbit in a visual area, however possible instrumental navigation may be. It says starting Ri-Majion],
It was abnormal. First of all, before going into clouds, even a position relation with the flight mother ship of the enemy who is a target is not measured.

It starts from triangulation. Of course, such a margin is not in a battlefield. Yoon says that he will carry out it to eye measurement only by intuition.

「軌道修正。左〇三〇、下〇一七。そうだ。右ロール〇七七……右〇〇二、上〇〇一。 カウントを始めるぞ。
"Adjustment. The left 030, bottom 017. That is right. Right roll 077 .... The right 002, top 001. A count will be begun.
It is the maximum scale. TSUNAMi-Ri-Majion""

A Simoun- ball increases brightness in the back of MAMINA.

"6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Go! "

The locus of light is minced in all directions in deep-black clouds. Disagreeable sweat spread damply in the palm.
It was the state which is visible only when even the wake behind a sailing ship of RI Maajion approaches very much.
Although the control lever was grasped by guidance of YUN, the feelings describing RI Maajion were not obtained by MAMIINA.
But, when it went into the last vertical descent, it was felt that RIi-Maajion began to demonstrate an effect.

Although it cannot but be the belt of the light carried out slightly, it begins to shine in the stage of a wake behind a sailing ship strongly as a success approaches.
The wall of a charcoal changes into the dazzling world which turned around and was filled with a green light.
Fulfil of the power which is going to be released from space is felt also for 裡 (inside) of the body.
Mamiina' nd Yun pair Simoun broke through clouds immediately after.

" -- tsu !"

Impending was impossible. The MAMIINA machine with which an enemy's mother ship would run in into clouds and which jumped out is already the side of an enemy flight mother ship.
It was going to pass through in distance to the extent that it does not touch.

"It was too near."

MAMINA raises boos in a mouth, hearing Yoon's voice so murmured in the voice which fell strangely and was attached.

巨大な光球が膨れあがり、海嘯のリ・マージョンは接近して飛行していた敵の母艦二隻と、 その周辺に展開していた多数の飛行機械を
It is the flight machine of a large number which huge explode-bal swelled up and were being developed on two mother ships of the enemy who Tsunami Ri-Maajion(
海嘯) approached and was flying, and the outskirts of it.

飲み込んだ。 だが、まだ二隻の母艦と多数の飛行機械が無傷のまま残されている。 コール・イグニスの本隊もどうなったかわからない。
It understood. But, while the mother ship of 2 boats and many flight machines have been unhurt, it is still left behind. It is not known what happened also to this party of call IGUNISU.

"Our choir !? "

"It is safe. It is fighting well."

Though it talks so, MAMIINA repeats movement busily to the right on the left.

"I will give also here honestly. Peregrine falcon. It is the five-set formation of the direction of Vega to a target "

"Comprehension. which goes"

Ri-MajionL of a peregrine falcon is made to exercise, crossing just before a Argentum machine formation by full-speed.

「次だ。カシオペア! 鮫で――いや、ブレイク!」
"It is the next. Cassiopeia(Ri-Maajion) ! With a shark -- Disagreeableness, break! "

Yun's directions fly continually. This time, speed is reduced and an enemy is attracted so that it may be usual.
It is hard-pressed.

可能な限りの速度で逃げ回りながら隙を見て最小規模のリ・マージョンを放つのが 精一杯だった。
Seeing spare time and releasing Ri-Maajion of the minimum scale, running from place to place at all possible speed It was as hard as possible.

But, even if it has shot down 2 or 3 sets at a time against the flight machine exceeding は 300 probably of Argentum, there is no end.
雲の中から飛び出しざまのリ・マージョンで敵が混乱しているうちはまだしも、 マミーナ機は次第に苦しい状況へと追い込まれていく。
While it jumped out out of clouds and the enemy is confused by Ri-Maajion, the MAMIINA machine is driven in gradually better to the painful situation.

But, there was sticky worth. the brilliant wake behind a sailing ship has been drawn in the place which five sets of a choirl left.

「やった! 五機でのエイ(のリ・マージョン)を成功させた」
"all right! Five sets (Ri-Maajion) of Batoidea were made successful."

The night sky dyes palely simultaneously with Yoon's voice. Catching the light within the field of view, MAMINA made decision immediately.

"わよっ using that light"

"Is it billow?"


 遠方で膨れあがる光球に向けてマミーナはシムーンの機首を振った。マミーナ機の後を追って 礁国飛行機械の群が吸い寄せられるように近づいてくる。
MAMINA shook the nose of an airplane of Simoun towards light-ball which swells up at the distant place. The MAMINA machine back is followed. The group of a Argentum flight machine is drawn closeIt approaches.

It seemed that the enemy of succession to the spiral drawn secretly had not noticed.
Although it is a kind of large-scale Ri-Maajion which time requires for "Ri Maajon of billows" (波濤  hatou) " drawing, it has the feature of being hard to distinguish the wake behind a sailing ship from shunting movement.

If a locus is kept secret by drawing especially toward the sun etc., it is possible to also make it move without realizing also in the midst of a dogfight.

"It cannot use twice."

"I understands."

Herical Mortris which shifted to the Ri-Maajion mode stood the uncanny roar.

Two disks make surrounding space develop the output.

マミーナたちシヴュラにはその感触が手に取るように伝わり、 シムーンが神の乗機であることを
the feel gets across to MAMIINA as Sibylla perfectly -- Simoun is wings of the Godess
It will be convinced without acceptance or declining. Time and space are manipulated. --

Sibyllae and others knows experientially that it is not the thing of only a message.

"Billow which you draw is beautiful."

A MAMINA machine finishes drawing the last spiral and goes back into the group of an enemy flight machine. The movement for avoiding an enemy's 火線 cannot be taken.
The locus of RI-Maajion is strict.

If a wake behind a sailing ship is disturbed for shunting, according to the distortion, power will fall in series.
Substantially, it is equal without evasion movement to an enemy's thing merely jumped into inside.


Shooting of Keen sounds and an enemy grazes the body of a MAMIINA Simoun. Unlike a foot soldier battle on land, the sound of a bullet cannot be heard by the shot fired at close range.
機体に響いてくるのは着弾音そのものだ。まともに命中してしまえば機体全体を打ち 鳴らすような破壊音が響く。
The impact sound itself sounds in the body. The whole body will be struck if the mark is hit directly. Destructive sound which is sounded sounds.

"we shoots."

Yunn began to scatter a machine-gun cartridge simultaneously with declaration in a SAGITTA seat. It is ascendancy shooting for clearing a course.
The front is filled with a tracer like a shower.

"Is it showy?"

"Probably, how to fight you is suited. I had you load centering on a tracer."

It is "although it said that war was disagreeable, mind often turns."

"He likes and it will not do."

Seeing the movement of the MAMIINA machine going back, the good enemy plane of intuition aimed at scatter of shunting and a wake behind a sailing ship, and began movement. But, it is already late.
The wake behind a sailing ship of the spiral which began to emit a strong light swells up in an instant, and opens the energy wide.
The rapid stream of the power felt over the back was anger of Godess surely.
"It was able to reduce how much!?"

"Is it about 1/4? The situation is not improving."

There is no difference in counting and being surrounded by the enemy plane to the extent that it does not go out. But, probably, it decided with one present blow.
As for the unit of this enemy that MAMIiNA and others has attracted, the choir of another part etc. must have taken no interest any longer.
It succeeded in it being indistinguishable from the light with a success of Ri-Maajion, and a MAMINA machine rushing into an enemy's center.
It may have to do, in order to break an enemy's will to fight.

That is destruction of a mother ship. If even the means of a return is taken, the extreme talk, MAMIINA and others will not fight directly, but will also end.
The flight machine of short Argentum of flight duration ruins itselves.
It is also 敵わない to slip out of a mountains zone on foot in equipment of flight soldiers. Rather than anything does an enemy's morale fall sharply?

Even if it shot down Simoun, when there was no mother ship, it cannot have brought back to its own country. There is nothing that is obtained.

「! マミーナ、気づかれたっ!」
"! MAMINA, mental fatigue たっ! "

Seemingly, Yun excellent in powers of observation has perceived that the enemy flight mother ship went into the interception attitude. MAMIINA is noticed.
It seemed that it did not go so although planned it approaching in front and drawing Ri-Maajion.


Approach is continued at full speed still more, shaking the body vertically and horizontally. Deployment was begun so that the Direct covering flight machines of a mother ship might also interrupt between a MAMINA machine and a mother ship.

"The minimum peregrine falcon"

"-- obtaining -- ?"

"Eye concealingt all. -- it is better. It flashed by Ri-Maajion while ago. effective in night"

"I understand. It tries."

The enemy plane with which it has gone back is not now. Shooting has started yet neither a front enemy mother ship nor the 直掩 unit.
MAMINA starts descent to surface of the earth at the moment of finishing drawing Ri-Maajion of a peregrine falcon by gradual movement. The body color of the affiliation machine of Alks-Niger is also black.
Probably, it is fit for melting into the surface of the earth of night.

"It goes abruptly up from directly under, and I will escape from between the mother ships of 2 boats. Not use Ri-Maajion but shooting is added."

"I understand."

Yunn's intention was able to be read also to MAMIINA. Ri-Maajion requires the great portion of output of Herical-Moetris.
It takes nature and the speed of Simoun.

銃撃では――特に今回は曳光弾ばかりを装填してきていることも あるが――大した威力は望めないが、
By shooting -- It is also loading only with tracers especially this time. Although it is -- Great power is although it cannot wish,
It is an enemy's Disturbanceだ which present MAMIINA and others should do. You should teach that a mother ship cannot be made scanty by adding shooting.
And it was more important than anything not to reduce speed.

Present MAMIINA and others can only do stirring a battlefield and waiting for support of a choir IGNIS book party.

"A nose of an airplane is shaken, maintaining speed, when escaping from between mother ships. Shooting is " at the timing.

Simoun can turn a nose of an airplane to the right-and-left upper and lower sides, with a course maintained. There is no restriction in Yeoh, a pitch, and 3 axis movement of a roll,
Also going astern by full-speedl being easy . With the flight machine of Argentum which obtains impelling force with a propeller, the remarkable difference was in the characteristic.

"We goes!"

It escapes from the shade of a grove and steals near to just under an enemy's mother ship along with a surface of a mountain. It seemed that the enemy had still missed the figure here.
MAMIiNA turns a nose of an airplane upwards, and starts a perpendicular rise. While top speed is reached in slight time and a MAMIINA machine makes a canopy use
It charges at a huge flight mother ship.

A disagreeable vibration has been transmitted also from the neighborhood of the left-wing communication wire ejecter which will be because the impossible flight continues.

"800....700..600 .."

Shatter andejection cartridge sound of the machine gun of a nose of an airplane sound. The machine gun of Simulacrum is unreliable.
先ほどの連射で一度加熱した 銃身と弾丸は作動不良を起こす可能性が高かった。一度使用した機銃は新しい弾丸を装填し直すことが
It heated once by the automatic fire like the point. The gun barrel and the bullet had a high possibility of causing a poor operation. Reloading with a new bullet the machine gun used once
When required, MAMINA was studied in the battle.

「いいわよ! 撃って!」
"It is good! Shoot! "

MAMIINA shouts going up along the hull surface of an enemy mother ship. A hand is now [ which is shaking the nose of an airplane greatly ] full of both-hands both legs by operation of Simoun.
There is no margin using a hand sign.

"it is my also carrying out sinful .... of exist Temps-Spatium and thou to heavens"

Yoon recites the language of a prayer, sending in the bullet which shines with an enemy mother ship dazzlingly. Honestly in MAMIINA, it is.
gloomy -- things -- although it was supreme, it is required for Yoon -- a mouth -- shutting -- MAMIINA -- Simoun
It concentrates on offering a prayer. This one suited MAMIINA of the same prayer at the sex.

「マミーナ! 離脱しろっ! 全力で!」
"MAMIINA! break away -- っ! It is the best! "

Although the nose of an airplane was turned to the enemy mother ship, MAMIINA was looking up at the advance direction of SHIMUN. It was driven into a corner.
When the look was returned to Yoon's voice, a flame serving as a pillar here and there, and blowing off from the bullet mark which has added shooting went into the eye.
-- It is a small amount of shooting.

The flight mother ship of 礁国 covered the whole ship by armoring, and appeared like a strong too difficult air fort in the machine-gun grade.
But, this will be how. It is spurting out frankly only by driving in the tracer which should not have great power.

MAMINA specifies the third urgent output. HERIKARUMOTORISU tends to react immediately and it is going to Acceleration.
The body began to stand disagreeable creaking here and there. But, the reins of an output cannot be loosened now. In the back of a MAMINA machine
There was an enemy flight mother ship who is going to make all hulls changed into explode ball.

"-- it is -- -- being such -- easy .... "

"It seems that Ri-Maajion is unnecessary if it is a mother ship partner."

Strictly calm Yoon's voice affects nervous

"Subsequently. Another mother ship is also struck."

 離脱した進路の前方には最後の空中母艦が浮かんでいる。擦れ違いざまに銃弾を叩き込めばそれで 撃破できてしまいそうだった。
The last air mother ship is appearing ahead of the course from which it seceded. It will be it if a bullet is driven in passing-each-other .it destroyed.

-- It is to leave the fate of many of soldier to such brittle arms.

The small flight machine with which Simoun is crowded was also a delicate vehicle. A flight performance is not only inferior.
It is frankly wrapped in a flame by light shooting of the grade which the MAMIINA machine has received many times until now.

"It has been heard that their flight machine is using the gas which burns."

"Gas ?"

"It is said that it is gas lighter than air and the weight of the body is supported. wanting Herical-Mortris -- being such It will be saying that his wants to escape dangerous technology."

ヘリカルモートリスを欲して、それを積むシムーンに撃破される。なんて空しい戦争なのだろう、 とマミーナは思う。
Herical-Mortris is wanted and it is defeated by Simoun which stacks it. Irony, MAMIINA thinks that it is a very empty war.
マッチのように簡単に火のつく飛行機械に乗る彼らは、ヘリカルモートリスが 巫女にしか起動できない代物であると知っているのだろうか。
As for them who ride on the flight machine which fire attaches simply like a match, Herical-Mortris Does it know that he is the thing which can start only to a shrine maiden?

遺跡からごく少数が発掘されるばかりの 遺物だと言うことを。
About [ by which a small number is unearthed very much from ruins ] It is said that they are remains.

"It is difficult to sympathize with the enemy. the last mother ship -- destroying -- their will to fight will decreased-- "

"That is right -- "

By the time vibration of the body could not take the already stabilized flight posture, it was expanded.

このままの速度を維持すれば 空中分解を起こすのは時間の問題だろう。だが、今は速度を落とすわけにはいかない。
If the speed of this as is maintained It will be the problem of time to cause disintegration in mid-air. But, speed cannot be reduced now.
背後で 火球と化している飛行母艦を隠れ蓑に一気に接近するのだ。
In the back A cover is approached at a stretch in the flight mother ship which has turned into 火球.

If followed by the enemy, it is also difficult to make the spare time close to a mother ship. This will be the chance of the last which carried out the chain one after another from one chance.

だが、マミーナたちの動きを捉えていた敵もいた。彼らは機体を軋ませ突進するマミーナ機と 母艦の間に見事に割って入ったのだった。
But, there were some enemies who had caught MAMIINA's and others motion. They are MAMIINA machines which the body is creaked and rush. The rate entered splendidly between mother ships.


"It was damaged .... A mother ship assault is given up! "

Although it was only 15 sets, as for the enemy flight machine developed between mother ships, it turned out that it is powerful enemy at a glance.
三本線のストライプの入った隊長機と完璧なまでに統率の取れた編隊運動は彼らが熟練兵であることを 物語っていた。
they of formation movement which was alike by raw [ containing the stripe of the 3 main lines / the Flight -captain machine and perfect raw ], and was able to take command are skillful soldiers An account was given.

If the formation has also taken V character type deep in length formation and a MAMIINA machine rushes in towards a mother ship as it is
火力の集中する軌道を辿る羽目になる。かといって、母艦の前面でこの手練れの十五機を相手に攻撃を 仕掛けるのも分が悪い。
It becomes the panel of following the orbit which fire power concentrates. But it is an attack against 15 sets of this skilled in the front of a mother ship. A part of devise is also bad.
the support from a mother ship -- rather than it calls it -- friend and foe -- indifferent shooting -- these 15 sets -- altogether -- it will be made a beehive.

When carrying out against many enemies and it was the best policy which is aimed at from the partner married off quickly, MAMIINA was studied by the old battle. It is not necessary to like and to turn on an enemy with a big risk.

「あとは逃げて逃げて逃げまくるからねっ。レギーナたちが一刻も早く向こうの敵を片付けてくれることを 祈ってちょうだい」
"Since it escapes and escapes and he escapes earnestly, the rest is. REGINA and others marries off an enemy over there immediately. It prays and is receive."

A course is turned to the flight mother ship which falls while changing a nose of an airplane and carrying out explosion destruction by fire. Another opportunity is aimed at in the airspace wrapped in a flame and smoke.
If it carries out against an overwhelming majority, there will be no hand not using this smoke screen.

But, seemingly, the idea of MAMIINA was sweet. Seemingly, a success of Ri Maajion of Billow and destroy of a mother ship attached fire to an enemy's will to fight.
The group of the flight machine concentrated to the crash point of a mother ship has been thrust in to the MAMIINA machine recklessly (recklessly).
Even if an ally machine is on fire-line, not to mention it does not hesitate at shooting, it is the posture which does not resign even a bodily crush.

"What 's, this"

"He is a fellow called a death soldier. Possibly it was the mother ship of which it left at the end. Saying a command group for Military law (Kill the deserter and behind the front lines ) game party in the Argentum It is said that organizes a soldier is ordered "To die"."

"-- You -- it often fell and attaches -- having -- "

"We cannot but prepare itself for the worst by realizing. -- Direction of the Fishes"

Yunn issues directions of a course. For the first time in [ a form ] was not being cared about any longer. It says that an enemy is attracted etc. and is leisurely.
There is also no spare time which is doing things. It will be-, if it continues flying in search of the course which avoids fire-line anyhow and there is slight spare time.
Ri-Maajion is released. It did not need to care about the effect range etc. An enemy does not have any hesitation and throngs.
An enemy is inhaled in the shaft of light of Ri- Maajion just like the insect drawn close by fire.

"-- Somehow .... you have to slip out of a dogfight once -- "

"Envelopment is hard. Vega .... Disagreeableness, Altair Ri-Maajion

The breath was going up MAMIINA and Yun. People are exhausted only by a battlefield being there. It is MAMIINA soon.
Concentration also tended to reach the limit. The arm which grasps a control lever is heavy and it grows dim. The sweat which flowed and fell from the frame permeated the eye.

「やった! マミーナ、レギーナたちがリ・マージョンを成功させた」
"all right! MAMINA, REGINA and others made Ri-Maajion successful."

The light which swells in the distance was reflected in the corner of a field of view. But, the destructive sound with which metal is sounded simultaneously wraps a MAMINA machine.


One-shot automatic fire of the machine gun attacks a MAMINA machine. A bullet blows away right-wing Accessariess and is to Herical -Mortris.
Direct hit sound was sounded.
Although orijinal Herical -Mortris unearthed from ruins does not attach a crack in a shooting grade, either,
The parts made with the technology of Present SimuLacrum-made do not go so. Against a shock as if it was made driving with the huge hammer
An arm consists torn off of a control lever.

Also while ducking the head, there is nothing and the body began the Yeoh rotation violently.
その回転を収めるよりも先にマミーナは ヘリカルモートリスの出力を上げ、離脱を図る。
It is MAMINA previously rather than it stores the rotation. The output of Herical -Mortris is raised and secession is aimed at.
MAMIINA is slightly relieved to Simoun which reacted in an instant.

 ――まだ、飛べる。 ------
-- It can still fly. ------

MAMIINA aimed at reorganization of the body, having sprinkled parts and going to a low altitude.

"Yun .... Yun -- "

Although the name of blond SAGITTA is repeated and called, there is no response. But, it must have been alive.
The output of Herical -Mortris is maintained and it is normal also to brightness of a Simoun ball. It pursues.
Avoiding the enemy flight machine by which it comes, MAMIINA drops an altitude further and takes a course to the direction of a call.
The unit who is chasing after MAMINA did not need to be detained at this place any longer.

 だが、傷ついたシムーンは思ったように速度が上がらない。ヘリカルモートリスは変わらず 作動していたが、
But, as considered, speed does not go up Simoun which got damaged. Herical -Mortris does not change lthough operated,
Ait was impossible to maintain the posture stabilized since some bodies had been lost.

「生きているなら返事をしてちょうだい、ユン! 敵を振り切るの。鮫のリ・マージョンいくわよ」
"It will reply, if alive, and they are a receive and Yun! An enemy is shaken off. Ri-Maajion off a shark -- いくわ -- "

A ton and the sound which kicks a seat from behind sound instead of a reply. A Simoun ball is the increase of light, and Herical -Mortris.
It was felt that Moat Rith raises an output to Ri-Majion. MAMIINA is relief to the reaction.
It breathes out. Also in SImoun, SAJITTA of MAMiINA also shows the will of a continue game.

As for Ri-Maajion of the shark which MAMIINA drew twist, does not have a locus, either, and it was left behind to Simoun by rapid movement.
IEven the last stability was stripped off. A MAMIINA machine drops an altitude further, repeating irregular rotation.
Although it was close to crash rather than it said that it is already flying, MAMIINA still parted with the reins of control.
It was not a reason. But, the next receive ballet sound of the second time at the moment sounds in a cockpit.
 アウリーガ席のキャノピが吹き飛び、マミーナの目の前にあったはずの計器類がごっそりと姿を 消していた。
The meters which the canopy of an AURIGA seat blew away and must have suited in the face of MAMIINA are all figures meters it had erased.

I was felt awfully refreshed.

An actual feeling does not follow on an impending spectacle, but MAMIINA looks at the nose of an airplane destroyed in the feeling spoiled strangely.
The Yeoh rotation of the body is not settled yet. Output control of Herical -Mortris does not react, either. While inclining to the left
The moment the nose of an airplane was back suitable, MAMIINA has seen the group of an enemy plane like fly Cmocas which spreads in empty. Thirst for blood
It tends to be made to rise high and is going to pour in a MAMIINA machine. It is in MAMIINA, although it was a momentary occurrence.
It was felt like slow motion.

-- This .... It is to which ill luck was also exhausted truly. ------

But, if there are five sets of call IGNIS, this enemy's group will also be made somehow. For the time being
It must only have prevented MAMIINA and others that the attack on both flanks of the main force of call IGNIS is carried out. With a single opportunity
It is also splendid that the mother ship of 3 boats, and the about 100-set machine of flights were able to be shot down, and the enemy was able to be attracted.
MAMINA looks back upon a SAGITTA seat.

"Pardon, Yun. Even you made it involvement."

The canopy of a SAGITTA seat opens slightly. The figure in which Yoon dyed the breast red from the crevice was shown. Head
The hit is pressed down with cloth. There is a trace that blood overflowed also from the lip and it had fitted in the seat feebly.

- She was injured. -

Cold sweat flows the back of MAMIINA. Probably it is at the time of the cartridge-ed of first time . Since it was injured in the head and it became impossible to utter voice, there was no response.
The cloth pressed against the head had sucked up blood and is moist with deep black.
Probably, there was considerable bleeding. But, though the wound was pressed down, she managed the work as SAJITTA.

ユンはうっすらと微笑んで上空を指さした。  次の瞬間、目映い光が空に満ちる。
Yun smiled slightly and pointed at the sky. The following light dazzling at the moment is filled to empty.

"Ah ...."

Five sets of choir IGNIS draw Ri-maajion in succession with a shark, Batidea(EI), and silver.

MAMIINA was merely looking up at the figure which annihirated the enemy in an instant aghast.

Seemingly, Ri-Maajion of the shark released at the end taught the position of a MAMIINA machine. A group which came MAMINA later on was destroyed) with the first one blow.

The MAMIINA machine was led to the friends of a call and returned to Alks-Niger.
 ユンは命に別状はなかったが、大きな傷跡が首に残った。銃撃で破壊された機体の破片が首筋を かすめたらしい。
Although Yun's life was not in danger, the big scar remained in the head. The fragment of the body destroyed by shooting is a neck. Seemingly, it grazed.

"It was alive and was good."

If MAMIINA ducks and shows the shoulder, Yoon who rose on the bed will respond with a quiet expression.

"-- you . When a canopy broke, I thought whether one person would see off again."

MAMIINA is relieved with it having been good in a its real intention for voice to come to come out.

"Is it each other? That is right. I have our Simoun and a bulletproof board attached.

A canopy is that it should be lost that it is already injured with a fragment although it is unavoidable."

"He has not learned a lesson from lure tactics."

Since the PAL for "orders was found. Until it wins the seat of the PAL of Sibylla Aurea
I have you associate."

"That which is wanted --"

Yun unites a look with an earnest expression.

「求めているものと 同じとは限らない」
"-- that] for which it is asking -- not necessarily the same -- "

".... it -- ?"

"Don't care. It is a usual soliloquy."

MAMIINA ducks the shoulder again. A message a visit was left, the onion was put on bedside, and it came out of the sickroom.
