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 BGM "piazzola_calambre" / by Astor Piazzolla (1921〜1992)
 「ピアソラ・イカランブル / 

A true present of a goddess

"The true present of a Godess "

**Chapter 1**

The Recollection

Anubitufu begins duty as the captain (but a name is a captain) of flagship Arcs Prima and passed a half year.

アヌビトゥフが旗艦アルクス・プリマの艦長(名目は船長だが)として勤務を始めて 半年を過ぎていた。

I wanted to fly after it was pressed to have to graduate Sibylla by decision. Therefore I chose this job.

I was able to become the captain unless I chose a man, but the competition in a condition "taken low" was disadvantageous.
However, an event to win through up to memory to "him" than it clearly.

It is the time when he was still called "Anubia" on that day.

I thought about the companion that "she" was clogged up on that day, and Anubia went to a spring whom a day to go to a spring came and was discharged from military service, and came back to a town of a hometown and was troubled.

Mother of the parents' house rushed in suddenly. A shiver ran about for an article of a newspaper.

The news-paper announced "invade and attack in northern Carnac-village, and tank destroyer corpses of " Plumbum ridge nation " are at war"

Was not there what such a thing did not interfere with " Plumbum ridge nation "each other by an agreement with our country?

"Anubia !" Is not Carnac village hometown of your pal? The brag that I would write with a letter before discharge from military service! "

NO ! oh my god ! an unpleasant feeling flashed when they lent it.

The Anubia , but it was a comparatively rich old family in the town. They should rush to confirm safety in a wire telephone with a copper round
(Equal to a ring which did brown-shaped ring, money of a shrine nation) that neighboring people are insignificant to borrow a fixed telephone.
アヌビア(当時)の家は町でも比較的裕福な旧家だった。 固定電話を借りに近所の人たちがわずかばかりの銅環 (銅色をした指輪状のリングで、宮国の貨幣に当る)を持って 有線電話で安否を確認しようと殺到するはずだ。

However, as a matter of course, The personal telephon cannot communicate because of the line busy by the influence of the battle.

I was going to have it turned a dial of a telephone in a living room of the first floor, and an operator tie it while feeling slightly shady while thinking so, but it was a cruel answer that returned.
そう思いながらも、少し後ろめたい思いをしながら、 1階の居間にある電話機のダイヤルを回して交換手に

(It is not possible to tie the number that a visitor was hoped for and an area for an emergency now if I do not have permission of the House of administration)
(お客様が希望された番号及び地域は、現在有事の為、 司政院の許可が無いとお繋ぎ出来ません)

"He" who was her at that time jumped out without hearing standstill of mother without own way.  

A leaf of Halen ("
The rose",a translator note: such as our world) of the entrance I heard that I stopped to a village just before Carnac village when , Anubia noticed without it noticing it to have cut a face in our thing.
I bought a ticket of express train and got in it.
玄関のハルエンの葉 (訳者注:我々の世界のバラの(葉)のようなもの)で顔を切ってしまったのも気づかずに、 アヌビアは気がつくとカルナック村の手前の村までは 停まるということを聞いて、急行列車の切符を買って乗り込んでいた。

** Chapter 2 **

A town of the border

It was morning of the day that I arrived at a neighboring town of Carnac village. When I was going to buy a ticket like a man in a trance, I already completely forgot to have been the middle of the night, and there was it.
カルナック村の隣町に着いたのはその日の朝だった。 無我夢中で切符を買おうとした時に既に深夜であったのを すっかり忘れて居た。

Anubia knew a trick of foot soldier round of " Plumbum ridge nation "I revise religious precepts of the woman / man ratio of their God animus for war accomplishment by a southing policy and am similar, and to constitute with a male soldier) by the knowledge that was able to be similar in the days of Sibylla well.
アヌビアはシヴュラ時代に得た知識で、プルンブムの歩兵戦 (南下政策による戦争遂行の為、彼らの神アニムスの女/男比率の戒律を

I can write a night attack so that they who are superior to our by power of the army such as physical strength or tank destroyer corps of a ground war of a foot soldier do not let you use a simoon if possible although being advantageous with the war potential that I included a simoon in.
シムーンを含めた戦力では有利ながら、歩兵の体力や地上戦の駆逐戦車部隊等、陸軍の勢力では我が方に勝る彼らが、シムーンをなるべく使わせないように 、夜襲をかけてくるのだ。

A shrine of Confucius is poor regularly that is and it aims at the village which decreased in population where there are little number of the simoon possession and applicants of sibylla in Unfairness which it is mean In being the trick that they think about that was surely cornered.
それも決まって聖廟の貧弱な、つまりシムーン保有数や、シビュラのなり手の少ない過疎化した村を狙って。 -なんて卑怯なやつらだ-

However, as for then "she" Anubia, her Sagitta "Gurakia" was all earlier than circumstances of such a partner.
確かに追い詰められた彼らの考える手口なのかもしれない。 しかし当時の「彼女」アヌビアは、そんな相手の事情よりも先に 彼女のサジッタ「グラキア」の事が全てだった。
I waited for a time limit of a curfew to open out while being irritated in a town.

To a limit area, I used a rental motorcycle.

The charge 15-kiaa copper rounds per one day on Sunday or holoday, but is good?"

That old "man" that there seemed to be no motivation quite.

Anubia annoyed with, but felt like not wanting to "become such a man" which I chose the permanent sex in the spring.
泉でどちらを選ぶのか悩んでいたアヌビアだったが、 「こんな男にはなりたくない」という気がした。

To such "a man?" Would you identify oneself during "when when you did not want to become such a man?
「こんな男には?」いつの間に自分をこんな男にはなりたくないと 同一視していたのだろう? 

Anubia handed 2-silver round to "he".
アヌビアは 2銀環を”彼”に渡した。

"How!" Because I give you it so much? ? Sibylla ! "

" Is not so. I bought this motorcycle. If there is only it, will be enough; "get" it?
「そうではない。このバイクは私が買い取った。 それだけあれば充分だろう」

Yes, even if I am enough !!

Anubia answered in comparison with her skeleton while pulling a starter of helical Mort squirrel of the large model motorcycle.
アヌビアは、彼女の躯体に較べては、その大型バイクの ヘリカルモートリスのスターターを引きながら答えた。

"I am not a medium anymore". And, it is already good.

I employed an old man of the meaning so vacant. "man", and the motorcycle started running.
その意味がわからずきょとんとした「男」の老人を置いて バイクは走り出した。

I worked as an observer so that citizen soldiers (equal to a guardsman) did not send a commoner to a combat zone in a caution area.
警戒区域では、市民兵(州兵に当る)達が一般人を戦闘地域に入れないよう 立会をしていた。

It gets cold also in this Imperial prince nation in the morning in the northern part though " Plumbum ridge nation " is not the north.
プルンブムほど北方ではないが、ここ宮国でも北部の 朝方は冷え込む。
It tried to face it before long in winter at the season.
Anubia asked a citizen soldier. They may not have known Grakia, but it is a neighboring town, and it is the area where organization of a comparatively local community stays. I may know it if I lend it.
アヌビアは市民兵に問いかけた。彼女らがグラキアを知っているとは 限らなかったが、隣町でもあり、比較的地域の共同体の仕組みが残って

However, what returned without a crop, however, was an unexpected answer.

I do not "know" it. I am sorry not to be able to help it. Sibylla Anubia
「存じません。お役に立てなくて申し訳ありません。 シビュラ・アヌビアさま」

Do you "know me?"

"No, it is really the first time that it met you now here to have met". However, I hear that I sent away the formation of Argentum by five Simile-Simoun at the incident of Crass-Unium.  Thanks to you, this town was not bombed. I thank you.
「いいえ、実際にお会いしたのは、今ここでお会いしたのが 初めてです。しかし、クラスユニウムの事変では、 シミレ5機でアルゲントゥムの編隊を追い払ったと聞いております。 おかげでこの町は爆撃されずに済みました。感謝しております。

Choir Dextra is at war with a special attack unit of " Plumbum ridge nation " and an tank-destroyer batalion now.
A feeling does a guess, but please withdraw here because it is Buddha's wish for salvation of the world
「現在、コール・デクストラが、プルンブムの特攻隊及び 駆逐戦車大隊と交戦中です。お気持ちはお察ししますが、 御願いですからここで引き下がりください」

Silence of several seconds continued as silence. However, I fixed my eyes on eyes of Anubia well and, with the clear eyes that the soldier got a grip on himself/herself for a citizen soldier, continued language.
無言のまま数秒の沈黙が続いた。その兵は市民兵にしては しっかりした、澄んだ目で、しかし、アヌビアの目をしっかりと 見据えて言の葉を続けた。

"Sibylla Anubia" I hear that you were discharged from military service,but you went to a spring, and it was decided sex in the future and, with the which had the look that I did well that should have saved our country before long, confirmed it with my eyes now.
「シビュラ・アヌビア。貴女が除隊したことも聞いております。 がしかし、泉に行ってこれからの性を決められ、やがてわが国を救うべき、しっかりとした眼差しを持った方と、今私の目で確認いたしました。」

Out of consideration for me, please please withdraw from this place. I perform a search of your companion with responsibility.
どうか私に免じて、この場よりお引き下がりください。 貴女の相方の方の捜索は私が責任を持って行います。

This is my communication vote. Because get communication here, please please take it over now; ...
これが私の連絡票です。こちらで連絡が取れますので、 どうか、今はお引取りください・・・」

I was overwhelmed in will of the citizen soldier, and Anubia could not but withdraw.

I "understood" it. I believe you. By the way, vermilion line of this name of a vote to contact?
「分かった。あなたを信じる。 ところで、連絡票のこの名前の朱線は?」

The end of a full name column of "communication vote was corrected in a red line.

"Yes, my name is "Iriff" , andt went to the fountain in the nearby sage-mausoleum last month, the name of the "Iris "was decided to manly name, and it came. "
「はい、私の名は、アイリフと申します。 先月近くの聖廟の泉に行きましてアイリスの名を男に決めて参りました」

Anubia has noticed at last the reason of the citizen soldier's image for there not being with where and having carried out a features like a boy nil why a girl's childishness still remains.
どことなく少年のような面立ちをしたまだ少女の幼さの残る その市民兵の面影の訳にアヌビアはようやく気がついた。

I "believe thank you" "you". Thank you very much. Say "
" and I have you understand it and feel honored.
They separated there.

*** Chapter 3***

The Re-encounter
From that, time of three years went by. In that way "he" chose a man in a spring.

Not sex to be used to, it means that I choose sex for A splendid person whom I want to become.
As a result of having made up its mind to this, there is current Anubitufu.

The Choir Dextra leaves few survivors and is almost destroyed by an incident with " Plumbum ridge nation ", I hear that many citizen soldiers became a victim.

Precious communication vote was wasted without the news of that citizen soldier "Iriff" that I did well that "he" came across becoming known. However, he still has it carefully.
「彼」が出会ったあのしっかりとした市民兵「アイリフ」の消息も知れず、せっかくの連絡票も無駄になった。 しかし、彼は今でもそれを大事に持っている。
I was able to choose a man for own intention. without because there was "him" of that time, oneself entrusting decision of one's sex to Onashia

I serve as a memory of the soldier who may have become dead and a present to oneself if he lends it, and he still puts the communication vote away carefully.
もしかしたら亡くなったかもしれないその兵士の思い出と、 自分への贈り物を兼ねて彼はその連絡票を今でも大事にしまっている。

I hear that Gragief of the new assignment force "Call The Tempest" that was Ducs wants .commander of a warship.. to have greeted it.
「艦長、新配属部隊”コール・テンペスト”のデュクス、 グラギエフ殿が挨拶をしたいとのことです」

Navigater "She" Minevia informed him so.

I "understood" it. I will meet in the captain room

However, "a man" of the young delicate build that appeared in a room was wise, and he said in the voice that calmed down in this way.

At last, it was possible to meet., I am Duxs "Gragief" and "Grakia. " of TheChoir The Tempest !!
「ようやくお会いできました。 私がコール・テンペストのデュクス”グラギエフ”こと”グラキア”です」

"you !" ! Unpleasant you Did you live? I did not do the communication that why is! ! Oh! !
「君!!いや君か?生きていたのか?どうして 連絡をしてくれなかった!!ああ!!」

He Anubitufu which was the job that responsibility was in although a relaxed atmosphere influenced it of the room which was Captain "room cried in public, and there was rarely it, but the tears projected it in openness of his feelings.
艦長室である自室のくつろいだ雰囲気が支配しているとはいえ、 責任ある職である彼アヌビトゥフが、人前で泣くなど滅多に無いこと だったが、その涙は彼の感情の素直に映しだしたのだ。

"Grakia, unpleasant Guragief, a reason will be good later; embraced each other with each other with the shoulder which lived, and might have given",
「グラキア、いやグラキエフ君、理由など後で良い、 生きててくれてよかった」

And Anubitufu forgot me, and cried. I smiled, and, in a point of his temperature, Guragief stared at him, too, but was not able to read the expression with tears.
肩でお互いを抱き合い、アヌビトゥフは我を忘れて泣いていた。 彼の体温の先で、グラギエフも目を細めて彼を見つめていたが、 その表情は涙で読み取れなかった。

"A certain young soldier let me go". Then I made a runaway trip and spent the back, " Plumbum ridge nation " within the territory in a certain village. I hear you with newspapers and noticed it for several years, but I want to show me who deserve to be you to meet again, and please permit it that I fell silent so far
「ある若い兵士が私を敵兵から逃がしてくれたのです。 それから後、プルンブム領内を逃避行して、 ある村で暮らしておりました。貴方のことは新聞などで聞き、 数年前から気づいておりましたが、再会するのにふさわしい私をお見せしたいと考え、今まで黙っていましたことをお許しください」

Anubitufu said

Though it "said that you become a woman in a spring, and it marries me, it is irony to say what". But it is still good. Because I meet again in this way, and work is possible together again. By the way, the name of the young soldier with anything? "

"Her name said an Iris". And I kept a promise with an important friend and, with the name of an eye riff, was killed in action. I respect her, unpleasant him and feel am sorry.
「彼女の名はアイリスといいました。そしてアイリフの名と共に、 大事な友人との約束を護って戦死しました。私は彼女、いや彼を尊敬し

Guragief which brought then communication vote to here read an expression of Anubitufu and continued words in this way.

"The friend who is the serious matter?" Is it you? ? "
" is so. Him, an Iriff introduced us in this way. As for what encountered, he who was only once really merely protected a promise as a friend with me and I staked my life on it and missed you who were a private citizen. Thus I am enough for me. Oh, what irreplaceable present , thank you!
「そうだ。彼が、アイリフが我々をこうして引き合わせてくれた。実際に会ったのはただ一度でしかない彼が、私を友人として約束を護り、命を掛けて民間人である君を逃がしてくれた。 私にはそれで充分だ。 ああ、なんというかけがえの無い贈り物だ、ありがとう!」

"They shared the feelings that they looked at each other's communication vote that he left, and it was not it for words after having embraced each other.

On the other hand, the trace that blood expiated with was left to being similar, but a sacred thing was able to think even it to be it to them.
その一方には血が贖った痕跡が残っていたが、 それさえも彼らには聖なるものに思えた。

There is not it in the sky, and it is the present which the true goddess whom there is in a human heart gave.

The Fourth Chapter 

A Wind of purification-bath day's morning

A weeks passed, Anubitufu and Gragief meeting again.
Today is of the week of purification-bath for the retainer people who believe temps-spatium which becomes all saints.
Originally it is the day when you rest the mind and body, appreciate in God.
アヌビトゥフが、グラギエフ と再会して1週間が経った。 今日は沐浴の曜日。全ての聖なるテンプスパティウムを信ずる臣民にとって

But, there is no either expectation the time under wartime, increasing, the negative of being performed first triumphal return gate barrel function, probably being holiday and the like of appreciation on this Arcs-Prima, that kind of God.
Increasing, and so on it substitutes to the job, captain heavily and is not.
As for Navigater Ms. Minevia of the mate, his Anubituf, had been planned the fact that the case of the unlikely event it appoints in temporary vicarious execution, but her and the still experience value being insufficient, when it is worry, Anubituf felt.

I would like to meet to Anuvia well.
As for the feeling it had become something which is not held down.
As for Anubituf, before Sibylla of new call assumes a new post with Simile-simoun even,
There being a thing which is made various, in the place of the captain where in the first place post is different, everyday fixed time communication It does not rise other than.
私はアヌヴィアに会いたい。 その気持ちは抑えられないものになってきていた。 アヌビトゥフは、新たなコールのシビュラ達がシミレで赴任する以前にも、色々と下準備があって、そもそも部署が違う艦長の所には、毎日の定時連絡以外にはあがってこない。

It cannot concentrate on work, this way, “she” becoming matter of concern, perhaps from usually you endeavored that probably becomes in the nice man, and the captain, with strong will, It was Anubituf, but that this morning, conclusion will finally be acquired, resolving, like whether you forgot from now on “her” thing of, it pushed on in work.
普段から強い意志を持って、立派な男に、そして艦長になろうと努めていたアヌビトゥフだったが、この朝ついに、決着をつけようと決心して、 以後「彼女」のことを忘れたかのように仕事に邁進した。

The system communicater Margrethee said,
“From the control section voice tube 4th you communicate with!! Because flank wind 3 Sheer-ru, there is influence in carrier landing when we would like to be adjusted the bow, it is thing.
アヌビトゥフ は即座に命令した。

”Yeah, transmit to the engine department, Herical-Mortris 4-core speeding up, Steers-woman
Miranna, temporarily a turning round in the southeast from the northwest, We adjust the composition velocity of the wind so that they, Simile- boarding cadet are easy to land!
「よし、機関部へ伝達、モートリス4コア増速、ミランナ(操舵手)、 北西から南東に一時回頭、シミレたちが着艦しやすいように合成風力を調整する!」

Steers-woman Miranna reply immediately,

“This is Miranna, comprehension sir! ”

Ms .Minevia feel that " he throwing away perplexity, 'now' pushed on temporarily in duty "
was delightful, but understanding with intuition of the woman, intuitively know the love-rival is everyone.
Therefore she spoke in this way because a seat did not last.

“The captain, today's trainees still board on Simile-Simoun, and a day is shallow. Please give me group standby Wapolif maintenance length
「艦長、今日の練習生達は、まだシミレに乗って日が浅いです。 ワポーリフ整備長の班待機を御願いします」


“As for forgetting completely, you do for the thanking of the advice of being as you say so.”
The captain doesn't leave respect and care in the severe other side, at the person now, too, to the subordinate, who is popular in this bridge staff whom consisted of only the person who chooses the fact that the majority "continues to be the woman with the spring", as much as the malfunction 
Now, the bridge staff is as like which pulls a leg each other when it let's have him hang eyes by being,.
It was the ring skill which can form the personality that it is possible to make the man of the captain is called "Anu"with the tacit consent to share the captain of bridge crew all the members and to be fond of it..
部下には厳しい反面、目下の者にも尊敬と気遣いを忘れない彼は、 ほとんどが泉で女のままでいることを選んだ者ばかりで構成された この艦橋スタッフの中で異常なほど人気があった。それでいて、 彼に目を掛けてもらおうと艦橋スタッフが互いに足を引っ張ったりするような 悪癖にならなかったのは、艦橋クルー全員の艦長を共有しているという暗黙の 了解とアヌと呼ばれ親しまれている艦長の人柄の成せる技であった。

Navigater Ms. Minevia glimpses her eyes to Steers-woman Ms. Miranna of the elder sister.
- I return to the usual "Anu" style to want to see in OK and I am -.
As for the look, in the place where the captain doesn't notice, the air of the bridge was filled with the inside of the silence in the morning to the relief about whether I guessed at navigation hand Othianne, Margrethee of the organization contact man, too, immediately.

The Five Chapter
Glakia, trace of that girl

That day which "Anu" waited in waiting came.
That day, he like this went in Guragief which comes to fixed time report in the captain's cabin.
“ "Kia" (term of endearment name of Gurakia), now we want coming here!”
While being confused a little, resetting to wording in Shibylla-age, like this it returned Gragie-"f "”.

“Anu, please you possible call the name as Kia limied here only, don't you? .”

Well, it is understood also with while Anubituf answering, furthermore it continued.

I asked captain representation to Navigater Ms. Minevia for training the duty vicarious execution of the captain. Originally but the expectation where the person where hits against the adjutant hits to duty, hands is not enough, don't you think? the . As Dux, you must adjust the girls of Sibylla, in you, You do not understand whether it is possible to ask such a thing, is possible, if is, As my one arm the time advice is asked, of course duty of Dux at first It does not care”
「艦長の職務代行の訓練の為にミネヴィアに艦長代理を御願いした。本来は副官に当る者が任務に当たるはずだが、人手が足りなくてね。デュクスとして、シビュラの少女達の調整をしなければならない君に、こんなことを頼んでよいのか判らない。が、もしできるならば、 私の片腕として時には助言を頼む。もちろんデュクスの職務を第一で構わないよ」

If “you avoid with me, rejoicing,…”

Hearing “her” words, Anibituf feeling at rest you probably will scratch, it continued.
The book lamp of the captain's cabin being able to hint at the dim light swingingly, the trace two lovers and it makes glow impressively

“You… , I would like to know that day after more from that! Going to the spring, how long yours!”

Anubituf already knew “she”Grakia going to the spring, as for still being a little more than three years. So as for I would like to hearing such a...

Gragief reply “Concerning the case arriving, we spoke, Anu…” 
It is not such a thing, as for we would like to hearing well with such a thing!
Anubituf take him no, Kia her both hands suddenly, She is no more than well yet Grakia faced with Anu, and kissed.

She is back Gragief to Grakia almos all, and call him.

Grakia, her mouth could be filled of well in this way.

“I had searched directly, whether yours, you has gone to somewhere that”

He to holding "kia" who returns "her", carried to the bedroom.
The bloom her body of Gragief was light in addition to.
No, well perhaps, that expectation so you make feel that you desire to that time, it returned to "her" completely,
Kia said,

“Is this private? Or being the official business ?”

“Forcing, if you say, it is both!! We would like to pour the shower together? Or it is good?”

Don't you think? “so is. Don't you think? this way, those which excessively are”

Originally the Arcs-Prima first-class passenger compartment which is the luxury liner,
Those where that VIP room is remodelled are this captain's cabin.
Burden as for the excessive furniture w as removed for the helical Mortris inertial-control weight is lightened, in order to increase somewhat number of on-board Simoun crafts.
That room was the luxurious time two lovers are produced, it was sufficient.

In the bathtub where edging the gold is attached the hot water savei, two lovers keep silence, but started passing the luxurious time of happiness.
金色の縁取りのついたバスタブに湯を張りながら、 2人は無言の、しかし至福の時間をすごし始めた。

The waterdrop the mutual sight two, remains even in the steam and the composure
The tension of the little obstructs the gaze eachother.

When "Anu" hug "Kia", she reply somehow with a little shyness , that made Anubituf burn more.

The arms and legs of clean "Kia" after going to the spring even, were healthy with thinness.
From the time before the modesty breast which becomes tend to small, the time where first it
Anubituf liked rather than the kind of air when returns to the girl-like body of "Kia"encounters,.

I'll washing you.

While he using the hand on the body of such and Kia, raising the bubble her body It started slipping.

From the light of the incandescent lamp stars of the night sky was visible in the steam.
Because Kia opened the window, as for the steam curling up from there, the flow,
In that way, the body where the body feels hot felt coolly.
Applying the finger to the moderate breast of Kia, when it tries probably to arrive to under,
Like whether she resists a little of, shivered in the twitch..

“Well, Anu. As for me… Aha!"

“I You have known, don't you think? there is useless what.
As current me with it does not care either being the same organ, if only you you avoid, as for me…”

“Finishing to wash the body, we probably will speak on the bed-sheet, Therefore Anu、now carefully me, please wash.”

- So, obstacle did not begin relation between ours with much effort -

“Will the body be warmed?”

In that way, they passed the frank one time entering the bathtub.

The Sixth chapter

Ssecret sympathy

It rises from the bathtub with 2 people, wipes the body, Anubituf had tried the arms and legs of Kia of the expectation which well enters into the concave being, eye, not to see boldly.

As for bed of captain's cabin with name remainder of passenger boat age, So far, he was using originally a double bed for his singleness.

But even that, for current "Anu", he could think that God prepared for two lovers.
しかしそれさえも、今のアヌにとっては、 神が2人の為に用意してくれたのだと思えた。

“Please make go first don't you”

Although Kia like this said, Anubituf had used the air above necessity.

- Well, it is good. So, it does, -

Because "Kia" turned off the interior light, became just the light of the book lamp.

Consequently the occasion where it enters to the room, as for the key of the entrance although it was already bet on the occasion where she enters into the captain's cabin as for Anubituf you became aware.

“As for you, with the intention!!”

“Yes, when you put me in the calling, I noticed your feelings.
 Therefore this way I wanted to talk neatly and I thought
「ええ、貴方が私を呼びつけた時に、貴方の気持ちには気づいてました。だからこうして きちんとお話したく思いましたの」

She dropped the bathrobe quietly.

Anubituf could see the limb of the first time her with the true eyes at the time.
Grakiia answers to the voice in the heart of his quietly.

“This current me., the way which I choose by myrself, Regret has not done. However…”

“If there is not that happening, I may have become your wife as in the promise in that case.
I think of the thing without the excuse..”

- If so, there is no at that occurrence, however -

Now could Anubituf answer without fearing.
Because that desire was something which comes out of another place to from her, he had been surprised even by him.
アヌビトゥフは臆することなく今は応えることが出来た。 それは彼女への欲望とは別のところから出た何かだったので、自分でも驚いていた。

“It is not to choose sex because someone's. You being yourself, it decides, therefore the callous,
It is possible to be that. So I am not perplexed, I love you at all !”

“Is it me as Gurakia or current myself ?”

Anubituf think "
--It is different, different, if such time how you say??--

From that thought something which exceeds the logic which was moved to that libido from another circuit, shot that.

“ Just the way you are , I love you, and, then, all!!”

Anubituf hung a hand on the bed as if it protected Grakiia, and it charged with a little power next and depressed her.

Anubituf touched a lip from her cheek and did a light kiss.
Her skin was clear thin and was keeping the freshness of the hot water up train.
アヌビトゥフは、彼女の頬から唇に触れ、軽いキスをした。 彼女の皮膚が薄く透き通り、湯上りの瑞々しさを保っていた。

Anubituf was somewhat small for the person whom height chose a man as, and he was low, rather than Grakia in a moment a little.
But Grakiia which protected well the back of Anuvia which was still a girl as Sagitta in their Sybyllae-age which was remembered by him, and gyve of a heart disappeared I felt like having been able to be sent back to two people of the シビュラ times that were equality each other.
アヌビトゥフは身長こそ、男を選んだ者としては幾分小柄で、グラキアよりむしろ少し低かったが、シビュラ時代には、サジッタとして、まだ少女だったアヌヴィアの後ろをしっかりと護るグラキアが、彼に想いだされ、たちまち心の枷が消えてた。 お互い対等だったシビュラ時代の2人に戻っていけたような気がした。

Anubituf sucked a teat rhythmically while it kissed the bulging of the chest of Gurakia which was slightly.
While being so, the left hand began to caress a mamma opposite to her slowly and then intensely gradually. She raises voice.
アヌビトゥフは、キアのほんのりとした胸のふくらみにキスをしながら、 乳首をリズミカルに吸った。
そうしながら左手は彼女の反対側の乳房をゆっくりと、 そして次第に激しく愛撫しはじめた。彼女が声をあげる。

“Anu! Me! Me!”

Anubituf said “Past you will forget, is our starts from now on. ”
So although thinking, to be good not being able to make word, becoming another word, it overflows.

“It is beautiful, Kia!  You are highest!!”
 Anubituf, no Anubia her finger pushed well in her important part and advanced.

The time where Anubuf still is the girl, When as for her who is the coming out of the old family of the district which is old pedigree, as for the person it is born,
By all means, choosing woman man each sex with the spring, becoming the wife-husband deecide by God, In other words when it is the doctrine of Temps-spatium, every there is a thing it was taught.
アヌビトゥフがまだ少女であった頃、 古い由緒ある地方の旧家の出だった彼女は、人は生まれたら、 必ず泉で女男いずれかの性別を選び、婦夫になることが神の、つまりテンプスパティウムの教えだと、事ある毎に教えられてきた。

Therefore graduating Sibyllae age, to the person and the spring which do not go to the spring,
not going throwing away society, the thing, the person whom it does not do that which becomes the woman or the man,
Being the meaning which she experienced by her, when it is something which simply dogmatically blasphemes God even when without, there was a paragraph which you thought.
だからシビュラを卒業しても泉に行かない者や、泉へ行かず 社会を捨てて女になることも、男になることもしない者を、自分で体験した訳でもなく、ただ教条的に神を冒涜するものだと考えていた節があった。

In addition, as for the person whom it does not try it will accompany with the same sex and it will accomplish and probably to increase the descendant,
Like the distant foreign person very being rejected and being executed it was not, but Our country, in other words, after all even in Simulacrum shrine nation in society one public not regarding, The single step also it is certain low to be placed.
また、同性で添い遂げて子孫を増やそうとしない者は、 遠い異国の者どものように排斥され処刑されることこそ無かったが、わが国、つまり宮国でも、やはり社会で一人前とみなされず、 一段低く置かれていたことも確かである。

But, as for her being love in addition to object other than reproducing it was not the meaning which does not become aware.
しかし、彼女は生殖以外の目的以外にも愛があることを 気づかぬ訳では無かった。

As for that although those Sibylla age romantic love of sweet-sour pals and girl
It is different with memory.

Times faces change, even in that frame of mind search the love of truth with your own eye the investigation heart which It was certainly.
時代は変化を迎え、彼の心境にも自分の目で真実の愛を探す探究心が 確かにあったのだ。

The important part of Gurakia, that brood bud after all with the right reality of the spring,
Change had been begun.

It is small, the stalk which is extended, in other words the brood bud which now is shown in that body In the object which development the parting which is cancelled, it tries probably to learn from the object, penis,It was changing.

**Anubituf thinking**
- Those which it cares? I was a old type person, and I learned so anyone-who chose the same-jener on the spring was accompanied and to achieve be suitable for the doctrine of the god.
However, that is what, Gurakia is my spouse, Something is bad with that! -

Aubituf returned to himself in the voice of Gurakia.

“ Anu, I would like to be feel me and yourself , may I touch?”

Why Anubituf surged feeling. And it became cheerful and the yell loudly and laughed.

“ Oh, pardon me. I intended to have been seeing you and I was observing nothing so far.
I want to feel as you feel, I'm not a doll wear the manish armor for you, I want to be only one "Anu" for you!! ”

「ああ、すまなかった、君のことを見据えていたつもりで、何も今まで観ていなかったよ。私も感じたい。 私は男の鎧を来た人形ではない。君にとって、 たった1人のアヌでありたい!」

In that way, two lovers kept returning to Anuvia and Gurakia.
When the leftover of the breast where Kia remains her barely is included in the mouth,
Anu increased voice, the body being dizzy
The kind of pleasant sensation which with the simoun keeps rising to everywhere penetrated.
キアが彼女のわずかに残る乳房の残滓を口に含むと、 アヌは声を上げた、身体が上気して シムーンでどこまでも上昇していくような快感が突き抜け

And, Gurakia caressing the leftover of the clitoris, when it includes in the mouth,That pleasant sensation reached to apex

Grakia not only that, the mouth of the woman of Anu begins to close the wrinkle (pleat) which
To caress, because it kept giving the rhythm skillfully with the finger,
That consciousness distantly kept being.
キアはそれだけで無く、アヌの女性の口の閉じかけた襞(ひだ)をも愛撫し、指で器用にリズムを与えていったので、 彼の意識は遠のいていった。

The Seventh Chapter

"The moon and winged-Southern Cross constellation"

When Anubituf receives the peak, waking up, Gurakia that slept at the position where you desire.
And "Kia" is not wiped the milk which Anu discharges difference.
アヌが絶頂を迎え、目を覚ましたとき、キアは彼の望む位置で眠っていた。 そしてアヌの放出したミルクは、キアが拭ったに違いない。

But shy thing, “her” old organ new organ Using both, understanding that it receives the peak, it became excess shy.
恥ずかしいことだが、「彼女」の旧器官と新しい器官の 両方を使って絶頂を迎えていたことが判って、余計恥ずかしくなった。

Not only the stalk, even the leftover of the wrinkle, and the breast, the little It had gotten wet moistly in the liquid which is similar to the colostrum

Each other feeling at rest, at the time of the happiness which can be passed.
When [anu] causes the body slowly, “Ggurakia” the eye waking up, It followed to that.
お互いが安心して過ごせる至福の時。 アヌが身をゆっくり起こすと「グラキーア」が眼を覚まし、それに追随した。

Me, meeting with you, truly today, the joy where it can encounter truly
The air which is felt does.
It is delightful, for me.

As for Anubituf, saying nothing, leading her outside the window, While it was the form while it is born one half of the body it embarked.
アヌビトゥフは、 黙って窓の外に彼女を導いて、生まれたままの姿のまま半身を乗り出した。

“ The same full moon and wing cruciform star. It is the same as that time. ”

Gurakia reply the whisper of Anu.

“Yes, Anubituf, nothing changes....”

The awaking next morning was the very fresh one.

Two lover not to talk anymore, at all say nothing and pour the shower again, It was engaged to the duty of each one.
2人はもう何も語らず、黙って再びシャワーを浴びて、 それぞれの勤務に就いた。

(While considering office taking over as Anubituf which returned to the bridge , She has noticed immediately Ms.Minevia which returned from the captain substitute to the navigation officer, and the portion into which the feeling of the captain of a warship different from last evening was cleared by the intuition of the same woman as last evening.)
艦橋に戻ったアヌビトゥフと事務引継ぎをしながら、 艦長代理から航海士に戻ったミネヴィアは、 昨晩と違う艦長の感情のふっきれた部分、昨晩と同じ部分の勘ですぐに気づいた。

After completing businesslike exchanging, as for her resigning It tried hearing vis-a-vis the captain.

“The captain, today has been done the very good face. Being cute, Good Heavens”

However you overstated with you thought even by your, when you want to say after all.
So Minevia while you warning by your, looked at the eye of the captain straightly.

This time as for Anubituf like this you answer clearly without escaping from the gaze.

“Thank you. Being able to have calling to you, it is delightful.”

Ms. Minevuia completely knowing that it does not have other intention in him, last night,
Between meeting of agency business, thing with captain and Dux “Guraief .”
Other bridge clue you became conversely shy to your own attitude which is distrusted.
And like this it replied reflected.
ミネヴィアは彼にまったく他意がないのを知って、昨晩、 代行業務の会間に、艦長とデュクス「グラギエフ」との間の事を他のブリッジクルーと邪推した自分の態度に逆に恥ずかしくなった。 そして反射的にこう返事をした。

“Captain, Congratulations heartily!!”

In the word, the resounding which in clue around does not become voice rose, but
Sip including the herb brown of morning, after tasting, as for the captain with the attitude which is done grandly Command was bet on clue.
その言葉に、周りのクルーに声にならないどよめきが上がったが、 朝のハーブ茶を一口含んで味わった後で、艦長は堂々とした態度でクルーに号令を掛けた。

“Arcs-prima captain, Anubituf, took over business now from navigator Minevia!!”

“While it is bow straight advancing, from this it is engaged to the precaution navigation of eastern direction!”
